Friday, September 28, 2018

Animals Consciousness

Animals can communicate with man and man can communicate with other species with all species. Such communication has always gone on. Man cannot afford to become aware of such communication at this point simply because your entire culture is based upon the idea of the animal natural subordinate position.

The men that slaughter animals cannot afford to treat those animals as possessors of living consciousness.

There is beneath it all an important unity. A sense of communion as one portion of earth’s living consciousness dies to insure the continued life of all nature.

The natural sacrament however turns into something else entirely when the gift is so misunderstood and when the donor is treated so poorly.

Many animals enjoy work and purpose. They enjoy working with man. Horses enjoyed the contribution they made to man’s world. They understood their riders far more that the riders understood them.

Many dogs enjoy being family protection. There are deep emotional bonds between men and many species of animals.

There is emotional response. Dolphins for example respond emotionally to man’s world. The animals of a farm are emotionally aware of the overall psychological content of the farmer’s life and that of each member of his family.

Consciousness is filled with content. The farmer’s animals understand that in a certain fashion he is a midwife responsible for some of their births. Food comes from his hands.

The animals understand on their own that life ends with death and that the physical properties must be returned to the earth from which they came.

Animals do not blame human beings for anything.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Messages from the Virgin Mary

Spend at least three hours outside every day.
Pray and have faith .
Take care of the environment.  Take care of your garden plant trees care of flowers, take care of wild and house animals. Eat only vegetables.
Plant at least 1000 trees in your life.
Take care and be kind with people in your life.
Imagine invent and apply in your life things that are good for you yourself your family the environment and society.

Create build and live this Earth a better place.

Be feareless and use your God given talents for goodness.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Messages Suggestions for a Better World

We as a society should focus on the free energy devices wireless transmission of energy and stop depleting the earth of forests oil gas and resources. Magnetic energies and telluric e energies should be enough for all our needs.

We should start massive reforestation projects paying people to do that and give ownership to the land for 300 years to those that reformat the land.

Tar sands should cease to exist. Oil exploitation also. Massive promotion of permaculture and cleaning the earth of plastic debris and nuclear waste.

Animals should not be exploited and kept in cages anymore. They should be set free. A plant-based diet should be the food of choice.

Travel read to learn to imagine as if there is no tomorrow.
Build free universities; learning is a right for everybody. Make education priority of all TV stations.
Clean your space clean yourself and create art beautiful buildings in the sink with nature, energy efficient.

Respect yourself those around you all life forms and restore the health of this earth.
Stop the wars.

Monday, June 25, 2018

MESSAGE OF THE VIRGIN OF GRACE OF ARUBA Koyari, Aruba March 25, 2018 8:50PM

 Receive a special blessing on the special day of today of My visit that comes from My love; Remain humble, sincere, get accustomed to loving more and forgiving. Hug each other and get accustomed to living with each other. People who don’t live with each other don’t have peace in their souls nor in their hearts. Today I want to ask you, My children, do you want to change life for a better life? Now is the moment, this is the most important moment.

When the moment came that the Angel Gabriel came to visit Me, I said “Yes” to become your Mother. Today I want to see if you would also say “Yes” to the Catholic Church, to My only Son Jesus and to Myself. Do you love Me? Answer Me … Would you show Me? Today is the time. Put your hand on your heart and feel how it beats: that is the life that My Son Jesus has offered you.

The gift of life, of strength, of love and of grace. Now is the time to ask for 3 forgiveness’s of your past that depress you. Offer them to Me, keep them, because they will make you sick. This is the time of grace, of forgiveness, of repentance and the way will be opened for you all.

There will be great and marvelous things coming for those who believe and have faith – Nothing is impossible. Carry your faith. I love you and I love you – and today I have come with a greater love for you. My heart is happy to see you, are you too? Tell Me, answer Me…

Do you know My children, I was in hurry for this day to arrive, just to see you: how you are, how you live and how you are with each other. Start thinking about love more and starting a new life. Don’t delay, don’t be late. Now is the time of the happiness that I am offering to you.

Do all well. Of all the things that are coming you will receive e blessing, a miracle, hope, infinite love that will never end within you. I love you so so much. I love you with all My heart. I don’t want to leave you, I want to stay with you and live within your hearts. Touch your hearts and feel that you are loved.

Today I will offer My only Son Jesus your requests, your pains and your burdens. I know everything about you. Don’t stay with them hidden: Today declare them but declare them with your lips and your hearts. Live in the reality that life isn’t easy. 

This is the opportunity of your happiness, come to Me at Koyari: blessed land, privileged and which no one can break. Today I want to tell you that I am happy for coming to a small island called Aruba. Aruba you are blessed, because My Son Jesus has chosen to come to a land so small and loved.

I’m very worried for what is coming. Because of this I give you My hands, hold them tight and don’t let Me go. I offer you My veil, My splendor of the light of love, to cover you. I say goodbye and I totally trust that tonight you have all been moved with a great touch.

Love and forgive, forget and start a new life. That is My only wish for your life, your family, for you home, your job and your future. Keep coming to My apparition, this is your strength and your stronghold. Grace will descend upon you all tonight. I will take all your wishes and I offer the divine gifts.
Your Mother, who loves your forever, the Virgin of Grace of Aruba.


The Virgin Mary appeared in a splendorous, kind and marvelous light, at the ‘grotto’ at the house of the Visionary, in the first Glorious Mystery, in the 4th Hail Mary and the apparition took 12min. The Virgin Mary came with a lot of Angels from the glory, singing and praying close to the Visionary. The Virgin Mary is happy that we are listening to Her.


Receive a blessing that comes from all My heart.
Now more than ever I wish for you, who know how to pray the Holy Rosary, to show others how to pray it and how to pray to the Holy Spirit. Do it with love, patience and tranquility. Don’t scream nor yell when you are preparing to teach others how to pray.

In life there are a lot of pains and sadness. There’s more suffering than happiness, because you don’t love will with each other, as you should. On you face the sadness is reflected, imagine inside your hearts. Many of you laugh and speak with your family, but you are filled with problems and pains. Also, many of you keep problems within your heart. I know all that is happening to you, My Children.

Many of you make promises, but a few of you help and comply. Those who give will receive abundant blessings through Me and My Son Jesus. My children, you see for yourselves, that those who don’t give anything will suffer and keep suffering in their life.

Whenever the Visionary asks for help, many of you refuse to give, you remain with a hard heart and you think twice if you’re helping or not. I want you to be more loving with one another, filled with faith and wisdom that comes from My only Son Jesus. My children, when I ask to help the Visionary, help her with love.

Remember to ask for forgiveness so that you can remain free to keep on going in life.

My children, the situation of the world remains painful. Remember that you are every day in a test. Live in peace, that is what I beg of you, because there’s so much pain, that I don’t know how to ask you to pray more. Do sacrifices, penitence, fast and help those around you who need assistance. I will protect you with My precious mantle and I will cover you with My divine light. Hold My hand and don’t let Me go. I will pick up those of you who’ve fallen again.

Live in peace with your family and teach each other how to walk in the spiritual path. Fall on your knees and ask My only Son Jesus to help you. Don’t lose hope and let your faith remain always high. I will have petals fall from the sky with My heavenly fragrance.

My children I remain and say that I’m closer to you than ever and you’re close to My heart. Do you also feel like I feel? Thank you for listening to My message. I fill all your moments with My love. Your Mother, the Virgin of Grace of Aruba, who loves you forever.

Around the world there were more apparitions of the Virgin Mary . Here is a map of them

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Medjugorje Messages of the Virgin Mary

June 02, 2018 Message to Mirjana

Since 1981, in a small village in Bosnia-Hercegovina named Medjugorje, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing and giving messages to the world. She tells us that God has sent Her to our world, and these years She is spending with us are a time of Grace granted by God. In Her own words She tells us, "I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God".

Our Lady's mission is one of peace. She has come to earth to reeducate us and to help us convert and recenter our lives back to God. Our Lady's role has always been one of guiding people to Her Son, Jesus. What an amazing opportunity we have before us! Our Lady's call to conversion is urgent, and we should respond with all our hearts.

Our Lady continues to give messages to six people from the village of Medjugorje: Ivan, Jakov, Marija, Mirjana, Vicka, and Ivanka. These six people (referred to as "visionaries") have received apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary since June 24, 1981. In addition to Her public messages, Our Lady is to give each of the six visionaries a total of ten "secrets" of happenings that will occur on earth in the near future. Some of the secrets pertain to the whole world while others concern the visionaries themselves or the local village.

Only one of the secrets has so far been revealed by the visionaries. In the third secret Our Lady has promised to leave a supernatural, indestructible, and visible sign on the mountain where she first appeared. Our Lady said: "This sign will be given for the atheists. You faithful already have signs and you have become the sign for the atheists. You faithful must not wait for the sign before you convert; convert soon. This time is a time of grace for you. You can never thank God enough for His grace. The time is for deepening your faith, and for your conversion. When the sign comes, it will be too late for many."

When each of the six visionaries has received all ten "secrets", Our Lady will stop appearing to them on a daily basis. Currently, Marija, Vicka, and Ivan have received nine secrets, and Our Lady still appears to them every day, wherever they are, at 6:40pm. Mirjana, Jakov, and Ivanka have received all ten secrets, and Our Lady appears to them once per year for the rest of their lives. For Ivanka who received her 10th secret on May 7, 1985 it is on the anniversary of the apparitions, June 25 each year. For Jakov who received his 10th secret on September 12, 1998, it is on Christmas day each year.

And for Mirjana who received her 10th secret on Christmas 1982, it is on her birthday, March 18 each year. Our Lady has also been appearing to Mirjana on the 2nd of each month since August 2, 1987 for the purpose of praying for all unbelievers. Mirjana tells us that it is very important that all of us pray for the unbelievers in the world, who are described as those who have not yet experienced God's love. No one knows when Our Lady will give the tenth secret to Marija, Ivan, and Vicka.

"Dear children, I am calling you to accept my words which I am speaking to you as a mother, with a simplicity of heart, so that you may set out on the way of complete light and purity, of the singular love of my Son, man and God. A joy - a light indescribable in human words - will penetrate your soul and the peace and love of my Son will take hold of you. I desire this for all of my children. Therefore, you, apostles of my love, you who know how to love and forgive, you who do not judge, you whom I encourage, you be an example to all those who are not going on the way of light and love or who have diverted from it. By your life show them the truth. Show them love because love overcomes all difficulties, and all of my children thirst for love. 

Your unity in love is a gift to my Son and me. But, my children, remember that to love also means to desire the good for your neighbor and to desire conversion of your neighbor's soul. As I am looking at you gathered around me, my heart is sad, because I see so little brotherly love, merciful love. 

My children, the Eucharist - my Son alive among you - His words will help you comprehend, because His word is life, His word makes the soul breathe, His word brings about cognition of love. Dear children, anew, I am imploring you as a mother who desires the good for her children: love your shepherds, pray for them. Thank you."

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Use One Hour per Day for Yourself

Spend Time Outside

  •  How much time you spend outside? Increse it.

  • Walk or go to the gim for one hour a day.

  • Practice Qigong

  • Read daily outside preferable 

  • Walk in a forest or plant a forest

  • Ground yourself walk without shoes daily

Reflect for 10 minutes a day

  1. How often do you ask yourself why you do what you do?
  2. What about the world is it that excites you? 
  3. What do you not like about it?
  4. How much of your ideal life are you living? 
  5. Think with clarity.
  6. Figuring out things that will benefit you for a long time to come.
  7. Ask yourself one hard question every day, and take time to ponder it.

Read for at least 20 minutes a day

  1. If you were to read for 20 minutes, or about 15 pages of a book, every day, then by the end of the year, you'd have completed between 15 to 20 books.
  2. Reading is also as much about the tangents of thoughts that arise in your own mind and that's where the brain does the real work of sharpening itself.  
  3. Absorb a good story or do some detailed research. 
  4. A single book at the right time can completely change your life. With just a 20-minute commitment, you're giving yourself up to 20 opportunities a year to do so
  5. This is the greater return on time and money invested than any other activity.

Focus for 30 minutes a day

  1. Arguably the greatest teacher in the world is the process of mastery.
  2. When you put your brain and body together and dedicate yourself to something, you give yourself a window of opportunity to refine your mind in a way that thinking and reading alone can't compete with.
  3. In states of deep focus, when we're being challenged and pushed by an activity, we're honing our general mental machinery, too. We're refining our ability to internalize information, and this process presents an intellectual edge that easily transfers over.
  4. Learning to learn is one of the most important qualities required in a fast-changing world, and it comes from the ability to intensely focus on something that pushes you to ask more of yourself.
  5. Whether it's a hobby or a personal project, it's worth dedicating even just half an hour a day to getting a little better at it in a tangible and measurable way.
  6. It'll not only make you more fulfilled, but it'll also improve your mind.

Friday, January 12, 2018


Clean your space.
Take care of those around you.
Read as if there is no tomorrow.
Write what you learned.
Eat fruits and vegetables in small portions.
Allow good things to come to you.
Meditate daily.
Pray for peace.
Allow only good thoughts to enter in you house.
Have faith that good things will happen in the future.