Sunday, February 28, 2021


Return to nature.She wants to be one with her again.

Native Americans knew the land as part of themselves, lived in Nature and hinored and revered her bounty, learned from her, always using her own way to groe crops, never forcing ber to work avainst herself.

Spend time outside not locked in your houses.
Soend tume nust sitting with the trees andwalking in the woods and notice the life force returning to you, invigorating you and balancing your emotional body.

Nature is a great antidotenfir your society's ills and it's free for all to receive.

You don't need to cinsukt a physician for a prescription the trees will disoense it to you for free.

Whyndo you think theybare here ? Only to grace your landscape?

The trees are Majestuc Beings, evilved beyond anything your thoughts can picture. And they wait for you to recofnize them as the stewards of the land as the cetaceans are the stewards of the sea always giving you oxygen you need and absorbing the pollutants you create.

And what you do in return for the gift of life? You cut them down, you mive them out of your way and you ignore them.  

Theybare yearning to communicate with you, yearning to feel your touch and embrace you in their love and energy.

Go to them, talk to them, sit with them as they stand vigilant iver your homes and communities as protectors of your very lives.

Talk to them and theybwill answer. Theybhave been waiting for eons to have humans reconnect with them.

Extract from the Book Messages from the Hollow Earth by Dianne Robins 

Pockets of darkness and negative thoughts forms create weather imbalances. When the people of the Hollow Earth ficus their live on these areas they dematerialize and disperse them.

As each person bring balance to his or her life the Earth gains that measure andit goes out to all life which in turn adds ro balance to their life.

You should minitor and control yourrhoughts and feelings as you would monitor and control a science experiment in a lab to oroduce the desired results.

Monday, February 8, 2021

H’oponopono The Power of Empathy and Prayer The Story of Dr. Hew Len

THERE ARE SEVERAL SPIRITUAL HEALING TOOLS THAT YOU CAN USE: PRAYER Depending on what you believe in, prayer can always bring comfort in an overwhelming situation. One of the most talked about and effective prayers is the H’oponopono prayer. Here is the story behind it. 


The Hawaii State Hospital for the criminally insane was a clinic for those who had committed the most heinous of crimes. Criminals who had committed murder, kidnap, rape or other crimes of such magnitude were either sent there because of their mental condition or to determine whether they were sane enough to stand trial. 

According to one of the nurses who worked there, it was a place with no hope; the atmosphere was so congested with evil and negativity that not even paint wanted to reside in the building and would not stick to the walls. 

 Everything was rotting, decaying, repulsive and terrifying. Every few months, a new doctor was hired because they were unable to handle the inmates, but one day Dr. Stanley Hew Len entered the clinic. 

The nurses were not at all enthusiastic; they were convinced he would be like the rest and bombard them with his supposed superior strategy that would get the place in order and then leave within a few months when he realized the reality of the situation he had got himself into. They soon discovered that everything about this doctor was different; he wasn’t doing anything significant, but his demeanour didn’t fit the environment. 


Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Where everyone else was depressed and angry, he was always naturally relaxed, cheerful and smiling. Every so often, he would ask for the files of the inmates; he rarely saw them personally, but he would sit in his office and look over their files. 

To the members of staff who were interested in the way he chose to operate, he would tell them about something he referred to as H’oponopono. 

As the months went by, things started to change in the hospital, the walls were painted and the paint actually remained on the walls, which gave the place some life. The gardens were being pruned, the tennis courts were repaired and prisoners who ordinarily were never allowed to go outside began to play tennis with the staff. They began to allow some of the prisoners to move around without their shackles and the inmates started to take fewer psychotropic medications. The shift in the atmosphere was astounding; the staff began to come to work, and where there was once a shortage of applicants, there was now a high demand to work at the clinic and they slowly began to release the prisoners. 

Dr. Hew Len was employed by the clinic for almost four years; by the time he left, there were only a few inmates remaining who were eventually housed in another location because the clinic had to close, as the prisoners no longer required their services.

 It appeared that Dr. Hew Len didn’t apply any specific technique or give the prisoners any medication. All he seemed to do was look at their files, but what he did do was heal himself with a traditional Hawaiian spiritual remedy referred to as H’oponopono.

In Dr. Len’s own words, “I was healing the part of me that created them.” While he sat in his office looking at each individual patient file, he would feel pain and empathy towards them. Dr. Len would then use what he was feeling to heal himself, taking on full responsibility for what each patient appeared to be going through. 

The prisoners were healed because their doctor took on their pain and healed them through himself. H’oponopono is based on the belief that we create our own environment; there are no external forces responsible for what is taking place within our surroundings. If your boss is evil, you are responsible. If your children are not doing well in school, you are responsible. World wars and poverty are your responsibility. The bottom line is that the world belongs to you and it is your responsibility to take care of it. Taking responsibility doesn’t mean that the problems are your fault, it simply means that you need to heal yourself in order to heal the situation that you find distressing. Some may agree with this theology, and to others it may appear completely nonsensical; but if you really choose to analyze it, you will find that your perception of the world is your reality. If you think the world is depressive and pointless because you choose to focus on all of the negative that is surrounding you, that’s how you perceive the world. You could change it if you would focus on changing yourself. Two people can live in the same environment but perceive it completely differently simply because of their perception. 




 Repent: Say you are sorry for the part that you have played in the things you perceive as evil or problematic that are surrounding you. As an empath you can say that you are sorry for the pain that the people you have met recently are experiencing. Whatever you feel responsible for, say you are sorry for it; feel the remorse and mean it. 

 Ask for Forgiveness: You are probably wondering, “Well, who am I asking?” We all have our different belief systems. 

The majority of us and especially empaths believe in some kind of higher power and so that is who you ask to forgive you. 

Gratitude: Say thank you; there is so much power in gratitude. If you take your focus off the negative, you will find that you have so many things to be thankful for. Say thank you that you woke up this morning.

Say thank you that you have eyes to see, a nose to smell, legs to walk on, that your internal organs are all in working order. Find something to say thank you for and say it continuously.

 Love: Love is the most powerful force in the universe; saying the words, “I love you” over and over again will bring love into your life. You can say I love you to your cat, your house, your car, the sky, the trees! Whatever you feel love towards, say it. 

Cleansing Tool

Tne very valuable cleansing tool Dr. Len suggests is Blue Solar Water.  He suggests to fill a blue glass bottle with the tap water.  You can choose to use tap water or else fill the bottle with the purest water you have access to, and set in outdoor sunlight for 10 minutes to an hour, and up to 12 hours for a more potent effect, to charge the water with the healing blue light. If it is NOT sunny for a long period of time where you are, then you can use incandescent light, but not LED or fluorescent light.  He says that it will remove recurring “memories” or programs that run in your subconscious, freeing you from their effects. In other words, it will allow you to “let go and let God.”

Dr. Hew Len has retired now.  He has a very important message for us all to hear and heed:

“The only purpose in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identity—
our Mind—back to its original state of void or zero (Buddha),
of purity of heart (Jesus)
and of blank (Shakespeare) through nonstop cleaning.”


