City air is a
deadly mixture of smoke soot and fumes, which include carbon monoxide gas,
sulphuric acid gas, benzene, methane, Sulphur compounds, and other chemicals.
In addition,
city air is saturated with the fumes of motor cars trucks buses, gas engines.
Thus exhaust gas consists of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lead oxide and
complicated benzene chain compounds of hydrocarbon series.
Let's consider
one of these poisonous games carbon monoxide and tell a small part of the
damage it does to the body.
Tasteless, colourless, odourless invisible to the eye, it
has been demonstrated that have a concentration of 0.62 parts carbon monoxide
per 10,000 cubic cm of air at street level in busy sections of cities of 500,000
population or more.
Few poisons are deadlier
that carbon monoxide. Air containing as
little as 120-th of one percent will cause headaches and 150 -th if one percent
will cause a total collapse.
Carbon monoxide
gas seeps into the body through the lungs and mixes with hemoglobin to such an
extent that the blood cannot perform its normal function of carrying the oxygen
to the rest of the body.
The hemoglobin
has an affinity for this gas about 300 times greater than for oxygen, so, the
absorption of the gas by the blood very rapid.
The first
symptoms of this poisoning are headaches and weaknesses. More serious symptoms
appear as the conditions progress.
People are told
in food propaganda to eat this and that kind of food, to offset this weakness.
There is no
natural or acquired immunity to the gas. Repeated exposure produces the same
effect each time.
Many who drop
dead or die suddenly are not afflicted with hearth disease as doctors’ claims.
The cause of death is polluted air.
The corrosive
acids in the air attack cells and reissues, throat nose lungs brain, heart,
liver, spleen, kidney and sex organs.
They attack the
blood corpuscles and cripple them so seriously that they cannot carry the normal
function. They condition the medical art name anemia.
They attack the
nerves and the resulting pain and medical art name neuritis. As the nerves
weaken paralysis may result.
They attack the
cells if the muscles producing rheumatism
They attack the
tissues if the joints and is called arthritis.
They attack the
tissues of the air cavities of the cranial bones and is called sinusitis.
They attack the
throat and is named laryngitis tonsillitis diphtheria.
When they attack
the cells if the blood vessels of the hearth are named hearth diseases.
When they attack
the cells of the lungs is named tuberculosis.
When they attack
the cells if the pancreas medical art calls it diabetes.
Medical art
rules largely by superstition and speculation and being nothing more than a
modernized version of ancient voodooism; makes a confusing mystery of what it calls
disease for profit and greed.
A man was
inspired to build a Miracle Cabinet consisting of a bed with enclosed sides and
top well ventilated and introducing air conditioning electrically with a fan
through vents.
He used the
cabinet for patients with respiratory illnesses such as colds, high fever, sore
throats, diphtheria, asthma, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mumps,
measles, rheumatism neuritis and diabetes
His success
proved that good fresh air in motion will cure the sick who have failed to
respond to long medical treatment.
He proved that
there is no disease. There are only two conditions good health and bad health.
The symptoms of
bad health the doctors are trained to study group together give named that
means nothing and term them diseases.
This seems is
supported by centuries of false teachings by which medical art has created
false physiology of disease, that yields gigantic profits. The medical art is
one of the biggest fraud on earth.
Medical propaganda
leads people to believe that medical art is trying to get rid if si called
disease. Who can think that any organization or institution is working g to
bring about its own end?
extras from
Valiant Thor's
Book of Vril How to Live Long and Prosper. By Valiant Thor
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