Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Conserving Vril or Life Force

The Arcane teachings hold that the wise person

1. store up a sufficient supply of Vril to met sudden and unexpected demands,
2. He directs and distribute Vril to met the requirements of his physi6and mental system
3. He avoids unnecessary waste and dissipation of Vril power and strives to stop all leaks of e energy.

Vril waste and dissipation occurs in two ways:

1. Emotional waste
2. Physical waste

Emotional or physical faucet allow Vril to drip and dribble almost constantly which is pure waste.

Emotional waste

Emotional waste is habitual with many persons who fail to realize that every useless flow of emotional energy is really dissipating a portion of the life power and vital energy.
The emotional dissipation drain on the life energies and results in killing the healthy and emotional expression, replacing it with a false emotional activity without real feeling and which seek constant excitement and stimulus as the alcoh8seek drink and drug addicts seek drugs.

One way to avoid this emotional waste is by watching carefully the formation of emotional habits.
All emotions deepen by repetition. If one allows an undesirable feeling to master him once he should be on the watch to check that feeling at the start of the occasion of the second manifestation.
The person who falls into a rage, falls into the same emotion easier the second time.
The man who keeps cool once under trying circumstances will be more easily able to control himself the next time.

The habit of emotional feeling is the outset offset result of an intellectual habit.
Notice how the emotions charges with the idea to repress certain trains of feelings repress the ideas that give them birth. This has restraining power even when the emotional state tends to bring up a valid idea just as putting fuel in a fire.

Emotional waste may also be prevented by carefully training oneself to control the physical expression usually accompanying the feeling of emotion. 

Even if we cannot prevent a feeling from arising, we may prevent it from spreading by inhibiting the organic movement which accompanies it and indulgence in which arguments it.
Many persons expend all their energies in the expression of emotion and have no e left for action.

The Arcane Formulas series of books attributed to somebody else (Atkins) were written/ dictated by Valiant Thor.

To Feel intense sympathy is not the same as to exert themselves in actually relieving distress.
In Arcane Formulas, Valiant Thor gave instructions along the lines if mastering and controlling the emotional nature not in the direction of killing or destroying that part of one's mental and spiritual being but in the direction of mastering and controlling it.

The "art of mastering the opposites" of feelings and emotions States that the student may secure and maintain the true mental moral and spiritual balance and poise by rising above the plane of emotional feeling onto the plane of will and there calmly watch and observe the storm of emotions without being influenced by them. This is like sailing a balloon above the clouds which are thundering and flashing lightning beneath him.

Never allow yourself to become immersed and involved in emotional storm or activities.
Even the divine gift if sympathy may become a veritable curse when we allow them to use us to the extent that we become subject to them and under their control and may tend to wreak mental and physical well being of a person without in the least benefiting the person who aroused it originally.
We must avoid extremes and opposites and preserve the happy mean in the centre where are poise power and balance.

Physical waste 

Waste motion, waste nervous strain excessive nervous tension and excessive purposeless physical motion is a physical waste.
The majority of persons are in a state of unrelaxed nervous and muscular tension during their waking hours. The nerves are tense and the muscles are contracted.
They have not known the word relaxation and have no concept of physical expression.
The cat relaxes every muscle and nerve then when the necessity of action arise its muscle became steel and its nerves as hair triggers.


  1. The only way to relax is to withdraw the Vril tension from the muscles. They must first learn to let go.
  2. The practise starts with the hands. Take away all tension and then swinging the hands from the wrists until they become perfectly limp.
  3. Then practice lingering up the fingers. Then swing the arms back and forth in the same manner.
  4. Then the upper arms and swinging the forearms freely from the elbow.
  5. Then follow the same with the legs until you have them truly loosen up.
  6. Then swing the head and make the neck limp.
  7. And finally lying down manage to take every bit of Vril force from the muscles of the entire body imitating the position attitude and general conditions of a tired baby that has dropped asleep over its play.

Variation of Loosening up

Imitate of Newfoundland dog shaking himself vigorously, stretching the limbs relieve tension.

from Outfoxing destiny the nature of Vril Harnessing the Nature of Vital Magnetism
By Valiant Thor.

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