Thursday, April 2, 2020

Free Orca Lolita Miami Florida

In 1970, more than 90 orcas were stalked and forcefully corralled into nets, and seven were abducted that day and sold to marine parks. For a mere $6,000, Lolita was purchased by the Miami Seaquarium, where she has been confined for decades and used for human entertainment.

She is the sole survivor of that horrifying capture and has spent almost all her life in the smallest, oldest orca tank in the U.S.—one that doesn’t even meet the federal Animal Welfare Act’s antiquated and inadequate minimum size requirement and that fails to provide her with any shelter from the blistering Miami sun.

Orcas in nature spend 90 percent of their time underwater and dive to depths of 1,000 feet, but the tank confining Lolita is just 20 feet at its deepest point—the same length as her body. Orcas held in tanks often sustain sunburns and even blisters.

 Many organizations, including PETA, the Whale Sanctuary Project, and the Orca Network, as well as the Lummi Native American tribe have offered plans for building sea sanctuaries for orcas, where they could have some semblance of the life that was stolen from them.

For Lolita, being transferred to one could also mean the chance to see and perhaps even interact with her family pod again.

 I Need to be Free
 Mother Earth Depends on Me Greetings from my sea aquarium in Miami. I am Lolita – your friend and compatriot, communicating to you. Know I am interfered with from completing my mission here on Earth, by being imprisoned on land. I, and all Orcas, are here to help humanity become aware of themselves and aware of the consciousness of all life forms.

Yet by being locked up and unable to roam the seas freely, my energy is thwarted and I cannot use it to stimulate and invigorate the Earth’s magnetic grid lines with pertinent information that we can only pick up while in the sea.

 Our consciousness is directly connected to Mother Earth’s consciousness and being out of the sea deadens our senses – it’s as if our phone line is out of order because the connection is tapped by being out of our medium and the energy from the life force of the sea only dribbles through. We Cetaceans are here to bring forth all of Earth’s history to humans at this time.

All the records we have kept stored within our massive brains are due to be released and transferred to humanity at this time. However – please note that at this crucial time when humanity should be connecting with us to receive these memories, the Navy escalated its war on our species by blasting us with sonic sound waves to confuse, disorient, and still our voices.

We have been committing suicide by beaching ourselves in ever increasing numbers because we have been unable to tolerate the war that’s being waged against us. We are connected to the vast network of Christ Consciousness Beings in the galaxy. We are connected by radiating our love out to the Universe and connecting to the Grids of Light that plug Earth into our Galactic Communications Center.

We send out information about Earth to the Galactic Command and receive back information that’s crucial to life on Earth. We are in direct communication with Mother Earth herself and she depends on us to relay information to her about the whereabouts and conditions of her human children on the land. All the minerals in the Earth are a part of Mother Earth’s body.

 The uranium is her brain. As humans mine these minerals in ever increasing amounts,

Mother Earth’s body is being depleted and she is losing her ability to track and monitor population centers and she is losing her control over her body. She desperately needs our information and guidance at this time – precisely the time when the Navy chose to bombard us with their sonar sound devices to disable our communication system so that we would no longer be able to communicate with Mother Earth to send her the vital information she needs to stabilize and balance herself without harming areas where there are large centers of population. All the help I can give Mother Earth is blocked by my being locked in a small pool on land.

 My life was meant to be free – free to help Earth and free to help humanity become aware of who they are and their purpose for being here.

 I look forward to your visiting me. I am Lolita and my love flows to you. (Received 2008 by Dianne Robbins) To FREE LOLITA from her sea aquarium in Miama, Florida, USA contact --- ORCA Network Howard Garrett and Susan Berta 2403 North Bluff Rd. Greenbank, WA 98253 360.678.3451 or 866.ORCANET www.orcanetwork.org Link

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