Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Sacred Fire

Many people today are beginning to experience the effects of transformation by Sacred Fire in their lives. We connect with Sacred Fire when we contact the Divinity within us, and begin to download these extremely high frequency energies into ourselves from the higher cosmic realms. Our origins, Soul essence spiritually, are from the Great Central Sun, and its energies originate from the Cosmic Central Sun of The Universe, and both send out Cosmic Light to be received by are local Sun of our solar system, which radiates this Spiritual Light to the Earth and all her life.

Hence, we are able to continually absorb this spiritual cosmic radiation directly into our four lower bodies, the physical, etheric or spiritual, the mental, and the emotional levels of who we are. This Light is actually from the Source of Creation or Prime Creator of All Life, on all these levels of ourselves, and we could not live, as a planet or a species without this Light. Of course, it is physical light as well as, spiritual light in the higher dimensional octaves of the spectrum of light, there are the higher Divine frequencies from the Godhead of the Cosmos.

This is our Divine connection to the source of all within our universe and omniverse, and we are continually receiving these frequencies to maintain the integrity of who we are. It is an eternal connection, and the soul forever receives these frequencies – no matter in what dimensional realm we are experiencing ourselves as taking form and the outer manifestations of this Light. To the outer perception of our physical eyes and vision, there is separation between ourselves and the “outer world” – however, in the spiritual perception of reality, there is no separation, as we perceive it to be, based on the seeming disconnection of the many physical manifestations of life. It is all one spectrum of the manifestation of Light and Divine Being. This is the “oneness” which the masters describe to us as their perception of being – and it is a sublime reality indeed!

We can also learn to perceive on these higher levels of being while we are yet here in this physical reality! We do not need to have our spiritual ability to perceive the cosmos dimmed by physical eyesight – instead we can learn to discern the multitude of the levels of manifestation and the continuum of the highest spiritual source levels continually stepped down, level by level, until they reach what we describe as the “physical dimension” of this world. It is the continuum of life, and life’s experience of being which we are having now, on the many levels of ourselves – only a few of these may be contained within our conscious awareness in the present physical embodiment. However, in the continuum of our own energies which transcend from the dense physical realm to the stars and beyond, we are simultaneously experiencing ourselves in many, many dimensional realities in what has often been referred to as “the Eternal Moment of Now.”

In many earlier periods of Earth evolution, this esoteric knowledge of initiation by rites of Sacred Fire was experienced only by those who were the initiates, or the members of the mystery schools or secret societies which existed in ancient Egypt and Greece and Ancient Atlantis to name only Three of these — for they existed across the face of the planet, in many, many earlier civilizations and ages for the enlightenment of mankind.

These secret societies had the dual purposes of enlightening mankind by administering the rites of passage through the use of Sacred Fire, and of preserving the knowledge of man’s innate connection to all of the cosmos. This sacred knowledge is being reborn within mankind in this present age where you are now upon the Earth, through the willingness of many people to consider that you may be related to many other sentient beings throughout the cosmos, who – like you – are the conscious creations of the Creator Gods of the universe, who were instrumental in the creation and development of your genetic lineage. These Creator Gods have shaped mankind, to enhance your knowledge and abilities since ancient times, and have often used these ‘rites of passage of sacred fire’ to enhance the abilities of mankind.

This fact has not gone unnoticed through many civilizations on Earth, both ancient and modern, for you are now beginning to once again reawaken to this fact — so that, as before, this can be used for your benefit. This has always been the cause of sudden advancement, characterized by ‘awakening’ or ‘re-birth,’ within many of your civilizations upon Earth, such as in the case of the Renaissance of Truth and Knowledge upon the Earth prior to the present day, which occurred in the 14th through the 17th centuries. The word ‘renaissance,’ (from the French ‘rinascere’ – ‘to be reborn’) literally means ‘re-birth.’

It is never our intention to interfere in the development or advancement of the human species, but to simply enhance your genetic functioning in order to make this advancement possible, and to therefore stimulate it through the use of Sacred Fire or Cosmic Light. You are, all of you upon the Earth now, being the recipients of this Sacred Fire, whether you are aware of this or not – and, indeed, it truly does not matter whether or not you are ‘consciously’ aware of this process, or not, because it is being given to mankind, as the sun shines upon the Earth, automatically, as a process of nature at this point. Thus we have now the ‘broadcasting’ of this information and the effect of this Sacred Fire throughout the consciousness of mankind – and it is fortunately not being reserved only for the few who are members of the mystery schools.

This is a good thing, because you all desperately need this information at this time! The Sacred Fire is an automatic ‘brightener’ of the soul, as it brings such an upliftment of spirit, through the many layers of esoteric knowledge which is also encoded within this Light. It is multi-layered and multi-dimensional in its effect on mankind, because of this ability which it has, to carry, to bring, and to deliver untold realms of knowledge directly within the human species. So the effect of this is immense! And you are just now learning how to consciously work with this Light, as manifested through Sacred Fire. Hence the symbol and image of the Phoenix Bird now being re-introduced into the consciousness of your species, in many places and in many cultures across the face of Earth, so that many can now begin to consciously have the benefit of what, for a very long time, was reserved for the few within the mystery schools, and other halls of esoteric knowledge. This is a huge movement forward for mankind in your evolutionary progress, and we are delighted to once again be a conscious part of this process with mankind! You are all making great progress with this, and we expect that this will continue!

“We Are The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light”

Friday, March 19, 2021

Horus Messages

HORUS – March 2021

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! My purpose in coming at this time is to impart words of deep knowledge and wisdom to the people of this planet which is in the process of ascending to a higher level of consciousness and space in the cosmos. There has been much work done on the multi-dimensional levels to clear all impediments that have been blocking the awakening of the people of Earth to the understanding of their higher potential and possibilities and divine birthright. There have been and will continue to be, disclosures brought to the awareness of humanity in order that they move past the illusions that have been implanted in their conscious mind. Many there are now who see a greater picture than they ever did before and at first it is an overwhelming experience which gradually moves to a place of mature spiritually balanced viewpoint.

Along with the changes to humanity’s consciousness, many diverse changes are taking place within the physical form that they inhabit. There is a transmutation taking place in various parts of the body. These bring more light into the physical form which is shifting the musculo-skeletal structure of the human form to realign and accommodate the greater amount of light coming in. These create instances of pain that can be habitual and disabling to the individual who is experiencing this. This physical limitation shall pass once the realignment has successfully taken place and the body is asymmetrically balanced. Many varied symptoms in various parts of the body come and go as the recalibrations continue. The human body is being redesigned to hold lighter, finer density while the occupant is still in it! There are many individuals who agreed to be at the forefront of this experiment at a more accelerated pace than most others.

It is a time of forging ahead into the unknown while tumultuous changes on and within the planet are also taking place. There is a need for each individual to have their wits about them as they observe what is being presented by their leaders and business and celebrity icons and ask important questions in regard to what they are told. Doing their own research can yield surprising revelations that have not been given to the majority of humanity, this research can yield truths that are astounding to comprehend. There are already a lot of individuals on the planet who have been quietly saying no to many of the suggested ways of thinking that are encouraged. There are also many individuals who consider the presenters to be the authority over their own sovereign right to make a free will choice and are giving their own health, power (and freedom) away without question.

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” This is an appropriate sentiment for these times. It is not the time to rest on former accomplishments and hope things will smooth out and get back to “normal.” It requires each individual taking self responsibility for every decision and action they take. It means being on duty on behalf of oneself and one’s loved ones no matter what the others around you say. Do not let someone else make choices for you that could have tragic repercussions because of it. Your body and what you put into it is your choice and no one else can bully you or threaten you with fines, imprisonment or preventing you from travelling into acquiescing to their directives. They it is who are committing a crime by using this tactic. Be aware that they will try intimidation tactics. One must quietly say no while looking them in the eye when necessary and hold your ground.

An individual needs to stay calm and in quiet command of their emotions during any such encounters. The point is not to give these people any excuse to hold you for any reason. This requires a commitment to always be true to yourself, for that is who you will be living with for the rest of your days. You it is who will look back at you in the mirror each day. When a choice has to be made, make it, knowing that you have done so by intending the highest and happiest outcome when you look into the future. Standing up for yourself and your loved ones will make you feel the fear but as you continue to do this, you will break free of the imaginary shackles of the enslavers as they exerted their control over humanity through the power of persuasion and suggestion. Those days are coming to an end and you will see it in your lifetime.

I AM Horus.

Via Marlene Swetlishoff.
Shared by Luce Light 🙏💗🌈