Monday, April 6, 2020

Methods of Care According to Valiant Thor

This article will explain the unity and simplicity of a disease and the mode of care:

This article will explain the unity and simplicity of disease and the mode of care:

1. The breath of life comes first. When we stop breathing we stop living. To preserve life the air must be free of pollution. Accordingly, patients should be put where they may breathe only fresh clean outside air.

2. The fluid if life comes next. Man can't live long without water. To preserve life the water one drinks must be pure and free of pollutants used by the public water system and also free of solids held in solution as the case of water from wells springs lakes and rivers. Patients should be given pure rainwater.

3. The greatest freedom of vital function comes next. This is produced by the physiological rest of the body's organs, secured only by absolute fast, giving patients no food but air and water, the two greatest of all food.

Under this simple natural regime, the patients recovered as though by magic regardless of the name that the doctors had given to their alignments.

Most patients treated were cases that failed to respond to the best medical treatment and were given up as incurable physical wrecks. All patients got well. The practitioner that used this method never lost a patient.

One of these patients was a victim or arthritis in knees and ankles and had been in a wheelchair for four years. She had failed to respond to the best treatments. In 5 days she was able to walk with no pain in her knees.

Another victim. of tuberculosis treated for 3 years by medical doctors without results, came prepared to stay 6 weeks and he went home in three.

A man of 72 with an enlarged prostate gland for which medical doctors had nothing to offer but the surgery went home well in five weeks.

How to rid ourselves of bad health? Not by putting into the body poisons called medicine. There is no such thing as medicine.

We get rid of bad health by building good health, not by treating symptoms of bad health.
And we build good health not by treating the symptoms of bad health. And we build good health in the sick body by following the natural simple scientific regime described above.

If we never violated the rules of health nor submitted to the health-destroying process of immunization as advocated and practised by medical.doctors we would never be sick.

But children cannot go to school in most countries now without immunized against diseases by having the poisonous serums and vaccines.medical art injected into their healthy bodies.

The general.public does not understand the rationale of the action of immunization agents.

They have broken the body by dulling the nerve system and that prevents the body from reacting acutely to the damaging internal poisons.

As the body is now too weak to throw off poisons in the action called acute diseases they remain in the body and corrode the internal organs and develop into dangerous chronic disorders.

So instead of having measles at six or seven years old and eliminating the damaging internal poisons, they remain in the body and can produce cancer at 35.or 40.

Extract from the book The path of Vril Venusian Secrets of Longevity and Valiant Thor

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