Thursday, April 30, 2020

Cosmology according to Valiant Thor

We live and move and have our being by virtue of Life Light and consciousness of God, the infinite source of being shining downward to us through four levels of supraphysical suns in our Universe and through our solar sun.
In their descending order of magnitude and vibratory frequency these are:

1. The Arcteklean Sun at the centre if the Arkteklean Universe through which the Light of Infinity flows into the finite of our Universe.

2. The Medisun Sanctilean through which this light flows into our Sanctil Cosmedon in which there are 938,223 solar systems at this time.

3. The Great Central Sun Chroessata through which this light flows into our Chroessata Bieuda.

4  The Central Sun Vela through which this light flows into our Vela Trenda.

5. Our Solar Sun Hra-Sol through which this light flows to Earth.

There has been much speculation as to how long our solar sun will continue to shine. This speculation arises from the incorrect supposition that the stored energy in the Sun is limited.
It would be better to think of our Sun as an electric transformer through which an ever-increasing amount of energy flows from an inexhaustible source.
Our Sun is a transformer through which the Light of Life comes to us increasingly from supraphysical levels of Life, Love Light and Intelligence of which the finite mind of a man can have no proper concept.

This is the Divine focus of an intelligent purposeful creative Being of great majesty and power commonly called our Solar Deity.
It is called Solar Locus or Point of Emergence of the Light of Life into our Solar System.
From Locus has come the incorrect rendition Logos. And from this has come the incorrect assertion " In the beginning was the Word.."
The correct rendition of this divine assertion is "In the beginning of our Solar System was the Locus (the divine Focus). through which all was to come into being, and this Locus was within God (The Infinite Source of Being), and it was in very truth a portion of God."

from the book Flying Saucers Portents of these "Last Days" by Valiant Thor

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