Friday, April 10, 2020

The Biology of the Body - Teachings of Valiant Thor

The body appears to be a material form. So does a block of ice. But that material is condensed astral substance, just as water is condensed gases of the air.

The human body is composed and constituted of astral substance and produced and sustained by astral processes of liquification, condensation, and transformation. It is not built of  by a physics chemical transformation.
Body cells are built of liquefied gases and nothing else. These gases are a combination of atoms which are a combination of electrons.

Food and drink do not enter direct into the building process except as they furnish gaseous  elements that enter into cell construction.

Cell disintegration produces nothing but liquefied gases. These gases are a combination of atoms and nothing else.
These gaseous products are eliminated from the body through lungs, bladder and the skin.

The body cells are actually tiny stars and suns. The chemical elements of which all bodies are built from stars above to man bellow are the same. These elements never changes or lose their cosmic identity. They enter into the composition of everything from star to man and are alway governed by the same law.

The skin is impervious to these invisible gaseous atomic elements.

The lining membrane if the lungs and intestines are constituted as to permit these elements to pass through  and enter the blood.

These atomic elements retain their cosmic identity in man's body just as they do in all other bodies from atoms in human cell to the atom in giant star. They do not depend on food and drink in the star nor in the body.

Atoms are composed if electrons and electrons are the building blocks if the universe. They do not depend on food and drink.

The direct cause if malnutrition is the interference of the food that a patient eats, with the ability to absorb from the lungs the amount of gaseous substance required by the body cells .

When this interference is removed by fasting and then patient is supplied with fresh air and good water the blood is soon able to resume and perform its function efficiently.

An additional direct cause that arise from breathing polluting air of civilization.

According to Dr L Burns, 98% of all disorders are due to the presence of too much carbon acid gas in the body.  He found in a study of 25000 patients that carbon monoxide gas seeps into the blood through the lungs and mixes with the hemoglobin to such extent that the blood cannot perform its function of carrying oxygen to the body cells.

The function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen to the cells. When charged with oxygen is called 

Hemoglobin has a special affinity for carbon monoxide gas of approximately 300 times greater than for oxygen.

The amount of carbon monoxide taken up by hemoglobin is equal to the amount of oxygen displaced. While the carbon monoxide gas displaces oxygen the reverse is not the case. Upon this property depends the very dangerous effect of monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide and carbonic acid poisoning are the chief cause of colds and all ailments of the air organs and of rheumatism which appear later in life.
As oxygen level of the blood falls bellow normal because is being displaced by the deadly carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases there is  o sufficient oxygen in the blood to supply the placement cells.

Just as important is the kind if air one breathes.
The Path of Vril Venusian Secret of Longevity and Rejuvenation by Valiant Thor

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