Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Healthy Living

According to Valiant Thor  in the book “The path of Vril Venusian Secret of longevity and rejuvenation” by Valiant Thor here are few suggestions for healthy living:
Be strict vegetarian, wake up before daylight and walk and run in the fresh morning air, eliminate grains and potatoes, do not drink water from the ground. Eat 16 ounces of solid food or 0. 454 kg and unfermented wine daily. Drink distilled water with lemon no tap water or groundwater.

Each illness results from internal poisoning. A bad climate bad environment and bad habits constitute the basis cause for ill health and decay. The only remedy on earth is a good climate,  a good environment and good habits.

If medical art knew this it would never let such precious knowledge become general so that to bring humanity to a world of health because such world would ruin not only the doctors but all long list of workers and institutions that thrive on human misery.

It is the effect of internal poisoning that produces each siege of sickness and each time there is a slight loss of vitality that is never regained as the doctors think.
Eating is harmful to a certain extent regardless of what one's eats.
Overeating produces various disorders rapid growth and shortens life.
Three big meals per day constitute overeating.
Frugal feeding promotes health and prolongs life.
The less man uses and indulges the more perfect he becomes. He gains in perfection as he gains in freedom and appetites.
Dr. Carrel showed that the rate of accumulation of waste products in the  body fluids and nature of these products determine the characteristics of the duration of the tissue

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