Friday, May 29, 2020

The Fog

About Health

All substances used by medical art are poisonous to the body.
Vaccines are wholesale systems of blood poisoning and are having a serious effect on peoples.
It is interesting to see those centennials that live in the south part of the USA largely in the hills and outlawing regions that are free form medical control.

The medical art is a system if shortening life by destroying the body with its many poisons.
A sober man may have the same symptoms by breathing polluted air like a drunk man.

A healthy man would not take poisonous substances such as medicines but they give it to the sick.
It is shocking that medical art, work harder and harder for more laws to protect itself and crash worthy competitors.

You cannot leave USA for a foreign land without being vaccinated. You cannot send children to school in Free America without being vaccinated you cannot serve in armed forces without being vaccinated. You cannot go to prison without being vaccinated.
The wholesale system of blood poisoning is having a serious effect on people.

Valiant Thor's Book of Vril How to Live Long and Prosper. By Valiant Thor

Monday, May 25, 2020

Ancient Scrolls and History

A Russian Physician travelling v to Palestina in 1882  met an aged Essene hermit living in a cave at Safed near Lake Tiberius. He was (communicated) we assumed given a scroll in Aramaic preserved by the Essenes order since antiquity which deals specifically with the life and crucifixion of an Essenian leader whose name was Yeshai Beth Halachmee, the historical Jesus who was a joint Essenian who did a brave deed for his Order and the Jewish people.

Probably, he was not the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls.whi was Christna Hindu Saviour of 3000 B.C.whose Christosite (Christian) doctrines were brought from India and introduced among them by Apollonius of Tyana.

Of these doctrines the Essene youth named Yeshai Beth Halachmee or Jesus was an adherent.
The Dead Sea scrolls were the writings of the Qumran monastic group  of Essenes at the times scattered over that in various communities. 

It is probable that the safer Scroll discovered by Dr. De Waltoff came from another group of Essenes.
In The Essenes Order their doctrine and teachings of the "Teacher of Righteneus" antedate the birth of Jesus. This is significant for it indicates that Christianity originated centuries before it was supposed to have started and that its saviour lived centuries befire it was supposed to have been born.
This supports the view that the Essenian Teacher of Righteneuses was really  Christna from India, if vegetarian and oacifist doctrines  that the Essenes followed. 

It means that the New Testament refers to the life, acts and teachings if a man who lived many centuries  B.C. who was later transfigured into a Judean teacher of tbe first century, later named Jesus Christ.

Those who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls did not know about any resurrection as having ever occurred.
Theodore Gastar at Columbia University a professor of history if religions write out the so-called Teacher of Righteousness the central figure of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Christ of the Gospels that he was not a particular individual but an ancient teacher who was given new names at different times.
Originally he was Christna of India,  later he was now as Christ.

By identifying him with an Essenian Jewish youth who lived in Galilea during the first half of the first century named Yeshai Beth Halachmee he became Jesus Christ, a combination of the Jewish Yeshai and the Hindu Christna or Christos.

Early Christians were ignorant of the 2xistence of any such man as Jesus Christ, never mention nor did they worship him.

No inscription or no representation of Jesus could be found among the inscriptions of the catacombs nor of the cross or the crucifixion.

The Dead Sea Scholls and the life of the original  Christians: The Ancient Essenes Introduction of Valiant Thor by Raymond W Bernard PH.D

Friday, May 8, 2020


The man never forgot how to grow his food to perfection while he lived on the land. 

But he lost the art when he left the land and went to labour in the artificial sweatshops of heartless industrialist, where he voluntarily in his ignorance made himself the helpless slave of those who rules him.

Ages of that sort of living have made the man of civilization helpless and dependent that he knows almost nothing now about growing his food on the land.
Bread beef mutton pork is not good.

Meat industries advertise that meat is good for health and vigour. That statement is false.
If the diet that builds a deficient body it also built deficient teeth.

Healthy kids are feed vegetable broth from vegetable herbs, then later from vegetables and fruits. No bread.

Light clothes and nothing on the head, eat twice a day and moves his bowels twice a day, the man can have a good physicality vitality and  stable emotional.

If a man lives in the zone of hibernation or cold zones he will have all his aches and pains. If a man lives in zines of eternal life in gardens of perpetual spring or tropical areas the man will have economic freedom.

Valiant Thor's Book of Vril How to Live Long and Prosper by Valiant Thor