Saturday, September 2, 2023
Tao Che Ghing about Water and Other Things
The highest good is like water. Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive. It flows in places people reject and so is like the Tao
Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it. The soft overcomes the hard; the gentle overcomes the rigid. Everyone knows that is true, but few can put it into practice.
The characterization of water are softness and humility that basically symbolize Taoist virtue. The supreme good is like water, which benefits all of creation without trying to compete with it. It gathers in unpopular places. Thus, it is like Tao.
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
If we want to shrink something, we have to expand it first. If we want to weaken something, we have to strengthen it first. If we want to get rid of something, we have to encourage it first. If we want to seize something, we have to give that thing first.
The generals have a saying: "Rather than make the first move it is better to wait and see. Rather than advance an inch it is better to retreat a yard." This is called going forward without advancing, pushing back without using weapons.
Without opening your door, you can open your heart to the world. Without looking out your window, you can see the essence of the Tao. The more you know, the less you understand.
there is nothing better than moderation. The mark of a moderate man is freedom from his own ideas. life happens to bring his way.
Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Analysis of the Vaccies
This is an article from the website
ew Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings
(Originally in Spanish)
Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna inoculations decoded and studied on board
Toleka laboratories. They are vaccines against SARS type viruses, they
are harmless, I don't know what all the fuss is about, and they are even
of high quality. I recommend them (JOKE!).
I've been gathering
strength since Saturday to say this. What's in there is so horrible that
the samples ended up inside a high security Bio-Hazard container. They
were subsequently disintegrated with high energy. What is in there we
can't even share with you, because I have no way to explain it as it
would need to be explained. For example, if Dr. Alex wants data on what
happens and the bio-chemical processes caused by the vaccines, I simply
cannot give it to him.
I see this as extremely serious because
people will not understand what is there, they will see it as fantasy or
inventions. The same doctors against plandemic will not make sense of
nano bots, because their labs are unable to detect or understand the
functioning of nano graphite, at the atomic or molecular level.
Gosia: Why is there no way to explain it?
Because the technology present there in the samples from the 3
factories exceeds human understanding, so what I say sounds crazy
science fiction and over exaggerated. Perhaps even hurting credibility. I
don't even have the medical vocabulary to describe it, because there is
none. It can be described on a... layman's level but it will NOT help
the awakened doctors, for example.
The technology there is not
human. It is Federation level and is known here and forbidden for use by
a score of treaties including Orion's with the Federation. It was not
manufactured by humans.
Gosia: It fits with what Yazhi just said in the Astral War video. That it was all planned by NON-HUMAN beings.
The nanotechnology present there can only be manufactured with printing
technologies like those of inserting things into realities. That is to
say that the nanotechnology present there is achieved by manipulating
specific atoms and putting them where they should be.
No doubt
that came from outside. I say that the Cabal has hidden technologies,
but this already exceeds everything. It is the same technology applied
to the Med Pods here when genetic engineering is needed. I mean it can
be used for good, but obviously it won't be in this case.
Gosia: Ok Anéeka, explain everything you know first. Questions later.
Ok I go. In the components of the 3 kinds of vaccines we found
basically the same thing, but in different quantities. They are direct
samples sequestered by Alenym Special Ops last week. The Hashmallim
brought the samples here. Vaccine research was conducted by Senetre,
Kara, Rhys (new Science Officer) and me, Anéeka.
Inside we found
a number of organic traces congruent to what was said on the net, from
human, bovine and simian aborted fetuses. We also found a high content
of Mollusc DNA.
Among other things found was a huge amount of RNA
proteins contained in nanotechnological graphene of a single molecule
thickness. The RNA proteins we found have human encoded information from
DNA parts of the same human genome congruent with classified diseases
of viral origin.
We also found RNA that forms, so to speak, human
stem cells. Graphene is nanotechnological, smart dust, or whatever you
want to call it. It is created with very high non-human technology,
congruent with that of the United Federation of Planets level, that is
to say, equal to ours in level of development. It can only be created
with the use of frequency replication machines. Like the ones that
manufacture the polymorphic metal here.
What that graphene technology does is to enter through the cells of the body, enter the cell nucleus and mitochondria...
IM1 **Images not supported**
graphene will de-code the DNA of human cells and attract in its
corresponding place the code to replace it with the RNA contained in the
other nano graphene’s. Called on Earth as spike proteins, detected in
Nano bots can be controlled remotely. They are
remote-controlled, waiting for an activation. With this they replace
parts of the DNA with others contained in the same vaccine to alter the
cells as they wish.
Then, as viral diseases are already contained
within the cellular DNA code, they only need to be activated, because a
virus does not work like a bacterium or a staphylococcus. A bacterium
invades the body, the virus only activates what was already present or
latent within the human genetic code. So, at will they can give or
provoke epidemics to the population as they see fit, be it rabies,
smallpox, whatever.
It also has the ability to replicate human
stem cells, so they can cause a misplaced growth of tissue of any kind.
This would be used in provoking cancers for example, if it's for
malignant purposes.
So, the nano graphene decodes the human DNA
and with that information the other nano graphene will replace in the
corresponding places with the RNA patch that they have inside the same
By this they can sterilize and they can change the
structure of the brain with the creation of artificial neural networks
created with the use of replicated stem cells inside the body of the
vaccinee. This leads us to see that they will be able to control the
world's population as cyborgs. They will think what they want them to
think and behave as they wish, and the population will think they are
their ideas. This is beyond mind control and beyond synthetic telepathy.
They will be able to kill at will a particular person by remote
control, or a population, and it will be seen as natural. Because of
other causes.
What is infecting the unvaccinated people is that
the cells of the vaccinated start producing more RNA proteins because
what they are injected with can basically be categorized as synthetic
viruses that have the purpose of invading the whole organism of prepared
replicated RNA. That is to say, not only does it use the RNA contained
in the vaccine itself, but it also causes the vaccinated person's cells
to replicate more of these viruses in the form of exosomes that the
vaccinated person will release with his breath and through his skin and
liquid secretions and so on.
The RNA in exosomes produced by
vaccinees is a message like any exosome, and it can only be effective or
validated, (have an effect), in another person (such as a
non-vaccinated person), if the receptors in the cells of this person
coincide with the receptors in the exosome viruses.
The vaccine
causes the human body to go into a state of total alarm due to high
toxicity, which triggers the production of exosomes that will contain
the toxin (invasive RNA from the vaccines) both as an attempt to
eliminate it from inside the body and also as a message to other cells
and those surrounding other bodies notifying them of an invasion. The
vaccinated subject will be an altering RNA exosome virus production
plant that will by design and intention spread this RNA wherever it
The unvaccinated subject will have strong immune responses to this causing rejection symptoms.
of pregnant women miscarrying: this is because the invasive synthetic
RNA is designed as one of its priorities to attack the reproductive
systems of males and females alike and will therefore cause a disruption
of cell duplication or replication of the developing unborn infant as
it will also stop the production of stem cells (the building blocks for a
baby) and replace them with stem cells "hijacked" by the invasive
synthetic RNA.
The form of cellular genetic alteration depends
not only on the invasive synthetic RNA but also on the graphene that
introduces it where it should go, which causes strong rejection side
effects in the unvaccinated, but can hardly alter them genetically as is
the case with the vaccinated .
In other words, synthetic RNA depends on nanotechnological graphene.
has been found basically everywhere, from chemtrails to industrialized
food, so it is fairly safe to say that in small quantities the entire
population on the surface of the Earth has been contaminated to one
degree or another. This is difficult to calculate since graphene is used
for countless things and in its pure state it is harmless and
Nano technological graphene is basically enriched and
purified graphite at the atomic level, with a specific ordered
crystalline structure that is magnetically programmable. Graphene as a
material is stronger than steel and more atomically stable and highly
magnetically conductive. This makes it perfect for this destructive
The strands of magnetic graphene-material reported in
countless places already on the net, are in themselves the main cause,
if not the very cause of Morgellons disease. Where the excess magnetic
graphene molecules, i.e., those that were not necessary to use to infect
all the cells of the body, will tend to clump or stick together because
of their magnetic properties. And the body will naturally try to expel
it by any means necessary, including through the skin, creating those
well-known black threads.
That is to say that what you see on the
skin is not the purpose, but the excess of the infection process of the
cells by the nanotechnological graphene.
The most easily
recognizable parts or components of the "vaccines" are fetal tissues and
other organic proteins. This is intended to collapse the immune system
of the subject, as a "distraction" so that the macro-phages, T-cells and
other components of the immune system do not interfere so much in the
genetic engineering process.
As a by-product of these tissues,
they will also cause a myriad of infections and autoimmune conditions
and cancers that will drain the resources of the infected, as already
The "vaccines" are remote controlled. Microwave
networks will be used to turn on or off the desired effects on each
social group at will. This goes into 5G but need not be 5G technology to
activate and control each individual person separately.
graphene will be inside the subject's cells in unique and
subject-specific ways and amounts which will give it a unique frequency
also identifiable by Bluetooth-style microwave networks. Which we see
congruent with calling it "Chipping" of the world's population.
have not shared this at this level before. And the part not
understandable is the exact process of replication or bio-genetic
alteration to every cell of the individual with the use of robotic
nano-graphene. It is one thing to say the latter and another to explain
step by step at the medical level how it is done.
Robert: Thank you. Mollusk DNA?
Anéeka: That mollusk DNA is used to accelerate the creation of artificial stem cells inside the human body.
Thank you Anéeka. You also mentioned the technology used to insert
realities. What do you mean by that? How has this technology been
applied to vaccines?
Anéeka: Yes, nano graphene´s are made with that technology. So, it is above-human. So, it violates a variety of space agreements.
Earth doctors won't be able to understand the whole, they're just
running around trying to understand what the graphene is for and what
the RNA proteins are for and what the fetus cells are for. They won't be
able to see more than graphene, because they won't be able to see it at
the atomic level. It's that they are remote-controlled micro robots
controlled by 5G and other frequencies made with graphene as a material.
It's not just graphene.
Gosia: The fact that this
is above human level is important! It is a legal clause that can be used
against those who have manufactured it!
Since Saturday night Alenym reported this to both the Alcyone Council
and the Federation, local headquarters. She sent them the complete
results from our labs and signed by Senetre and myself as Doctors.
the Alcyone Council and the local Federation Council expressed their
total repudiation of this finding. As expressed at the Viera Federation
Council meeting on Sunday, October 10, 2021. It violates the
anti-invasion and genetic alteration sections of the Orion and
Federation Council meetings and legal agreements.
Robert: The Federation was unaware of this data?
Anéeka: The data indicates that the people in the Federation who were given the test results did NOT know about this.
Gosia: Which race is behind it exactly? Who manufactured it, is it known?
They have been able to hide well, we believe that they are not here but
that they enter and leave through portals. From the type of technology,
we can see that they are Reptiloids. .
They leave a trace because they
have used this before. And as always, they tell people everything,
because in the movie Prometheus at the beginning you can see this.
Yazhi says they are Reptilians and other beings difficult to catalogue
as they are HALF astral. They use biological bodies only.
Anéeka: Congruent with my data, yes.
Gosia: When did they use it before?
In the remote past, on Earth it is the first time they use it. It is
not unknown, this technology, for us or for the Federation. It is even
contained in space laws of the so-called Orion agreements. They are
another set of agreements and laws similar to the Prime Directive, they
are of peace and cooperation.
Gosia: Ok. Anéeka, do
you think that with this legal petition to the Alcyone and the
Federation local level, the Federation and other races will do something
about it?
Anéeka: I can't know because they
haven't done anything before. Just that this time it is so dramatic and
invasive that if they don't do something about it, it will expose them
as not only permissive, but as the ones who have created this problem.
That is to say, either they intervene in one way or another, even if
their direct intervention is not seen, or many races that already know
this, such as those of M45 and those of Avyon (Urmah) will know that
they have done nothing, and time or temporal slip will have little
validity as an excuse. In other words, if they don't do something, they
will be exposed as regressive and there will be consequences.
my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive statement on the content of
vaccines that there is, at least at a basic level understandable to the
With this information, I also see that the unvaccinated,
even if they have strong reactions, do not seem to have their entire
DNA changed, even though the very design of the "vaccines" indicates
that they are designed to be transmissible from person to person and
thereby forcing the entire population to be vaccinated.
the virulence rate thus indicates that the unvaccinated are probably
strong enough to defend themselves against what the vaccinated produce,
although the vaccinated are emitting or contaminating everything in
their path with RNA exosomes and nanotechnological graphene.
Gosia: A question, have you found in the vaccines any parasites, some people comment it. Living organisms.
We see components that could be taken for living beings. Direct
parasites like worm eggs, or worm, we did not see but considering the
zoo of things that are there, I see it highly possible that some batches
of "vaccines" do have them.
Robert: Anéeka, and the nano robots can replicate themselves?
In the presence of more graphene, it seems so but it is limited, to the
degree that it is doubtful how they replicate. It remains a suspicion, a
suspicion only because what was once just graphene suddenly wakes up to
be a nanorobot, but it could be that it was just turned off and the
presence of others has turned it on. This is because they are designed
to react in the presence of others and to receive simple instructions
from each other. What does replicate is the RNA or "spike" protein.
Robert: So the electromagnetic pulses are of no use?
Anéeka: To a limited extent, I still recommend them but they will not deactivate graphene nano, they will only stop it for the moment.
point, what the vaccines have is a variant of Black Goo. It will
isolate humans, it will transform them into beings controllable by the
Cabal that is under the control of the Reptiles and Maitre, because the
frequency of each person will no longer coincide with that of the
Original Source, with their Soul signal. It will no longer enter them.
here we clarify another point: that the Federation IS in control of the
Earth and everything that happens on it, whether those who love the
Galactic Federation of Love and Light, like it or not. The UFoP directly
or by omission or by whatever is guilty of what is happening on Earth.
But one thing Anéeka... the fact that you have found this NON-HUMAN
technology, and that you are asking for legal help from Alcyone... could
it not mean that the ET races could intervene more to stop this? If
what you have found is ILLEGAL, they could intervene.
Yes, however, there is already long list of things and reasons why the
Federation or the benevolent races would have to step in. Because the
list of outrages and irregularities against the human population is very
long. The list of space law violations is miles long. So, this just
adds to all of the above and we all know that they have done nothing
about it.
My point is that this is not the only serious breach of
space laws, and they have done nothing about the previous breaches. Why
would they take any notice of this one?
Gosia: But this situation is more serious than others perhaps?
For me it is the most serious one because it guarantees the genetic
destruction of humanity, for invasive purposes and for the benefit of
those who apply it, without humanity being able to see or detect what
they are doing to them.
And the Federation, there is no
justification or excuse I know, but my point here is that they will NOT
give help to humanity in the ways they expect. They have to take control
themselves, the humans. It is the only way; everyone must understand
My comments
These cosmic people consider us lab rats. and they use us by controlling the governments.
The Galactic Federations or whatever name they have, are of no help. They are here to mine resources to take water and use people of earth. They keep informing via spy people that they abduct and mind control that we are not of high enough vibration for them. in meantime they do nothing to prevent this crime.
Not even to have a channel to inform about this massive mind control that are affecting us all.
Telosians want to come out, ET want to control what is on the Earth.In meantime the governments of the earth sign contracts to sell other human beings in a slave trade to ET.
And we are kept under martial Law. How is that fair. Televisions instead of being educational are in the service of few criminals that the more money they have the more they want.They emit impulses to make people brain dead. Ingo Swan as psychic spy was able to detect them and renounced to watch TV. The majority of people are not even aware of this fact.
CN Tower in Toronto has a source of microwave that influence negative people living in that area. what about those with graphene nano. This information was discovered in a remote viewing session described by David Morehouse in his book Psychic Warrior The true Story of the CIA Paranormal Espionage Programe.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Lectiile Lui Pitu
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
The Collective Awareness
Monday, April 12, 2021
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Space News
EBE Humanoids information telepathic transmission from 1993 regarding Laser, Plasma Crop Circles, Pyramids guarded from other dimensions since ancient times.
India Indonesia Egypt are holly lands, Antarctica Anunnaki and Reptilians are allies.
Crop Circles
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Prayer for Healing
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
The Sacred Fire

Many people today are beginning to experience the effects of transformation by Sacred Fire in their lives. We connect with Sacred Fire when we contact the Divinity within us, and begin to download these extremely high frequency energies into ourselves from the higher cosmic realms. Our origins, Soul essence spiritually, are from the Great Central Sun, and its energies originate from the Cosmic Central Sun of The Universe, and both send out Cosmic Light to be received by are local Sun of our solar system, which radiates this Spiritual Light to the Earth and all her life.
Hence, we are able to continually absorb this spiritual cosmic radiation directly into our four lower bodies, the physical, etheric or spiritual, the mental, and the emotional levels of who we are. This Light is actually from the Source of Creation or Prime Creator of All Life, on all these levels of ourselves, and we could not live, as a planet or a species without this Light. Of course, it is physical light as well as, spiritual light in the higher dimensional octaves of the spectrum of light, there are the higher Divine frequencies from the Godhead of the Cosmos.
This is our Divine connection to the source of all within our universe and omniverse, and we are continually receiving these frequencies to maintain the integrity of who we are. It is an eternal connection, and the soul forever receives these frequencies – no matter in what dimensional realm we are experiencing ourselves as taking form and the outer manifestations of this Light. To the outer perception of our physical eyes and vision, there is separation between ourselves and the “outer world” – however, in the spiritual perception of reality, there is no separation, as we perceive it to be, based on the seeming disconnection of the many physical manifestations of life. It is all one spectrum of the manifestation of Light and Divine Being. This is the “oneness” which the masters describe to us as their perception of being – and it is a sublime reality indeed!
We can also learn to perceive on these higher levels of being while we are yet here in this physical reality! We do not need to have our spiritual ability to perceive the cosmos dimmed by physical eyesight – instead we can learn to discern the multitude of the levels of manifestation and the continuum of the highest spiritual source levels continually stepped down, level by level, until they reach what we describe as the “physical dimension” of this world. It is the continuum of life, and life’s experience of being which we are having now, on the many levels of ourselves – only a few of these may be contained within our conscious awareness in the present physical embodiment. However, in the continuum of our own energies which transcend from the dense physical realm to the stars and beyond, we are simultaneously experiencing ourselves in many, many dimensional realities in what has often been referred to as “the Eternal Moment of Now.”
In many earlier periods of Earth evolution, this esoteric knowledge of initiation by rites of Sacred Fire was experienced only by those who were the initiates, or the members of the mystery schools or secret societies which existed in ancient Egypt and Greece and Ancient Atlantis to name only Three of these — for they existed across the face of the planet, in many, many earlier civilizations and ages for the enlightenment of mankind.
These secret societies had the dual purposes of enlightening mankind by administering the rites of passage through the use of Sacred Fire, and of preserving the knowledge of man’s innate connection to all of the cosmos. This sacred knowledge is being reborn within mankind in this present age where you are now upon the Earth, through the willingness of many people to consider that you may be related to many other sentient beings throughout the cosmos, who – like you – are the conscious creations of the Creator Gods of the universe, who were instrumental in the creation and development of your genetic lineage. These Creator Gods have shaped mankind, to enhance your knowledge and abilities since ancient times, and have often used these ‘rites of passage of sacred fire’ to enhance the abilities of mankind.
This fact has not gone unnoticed through many civilizations on Earth, both ancient and modern, for you are now beginning to once again reawaken to this fact — so that, as before, this can be used for your benefit. This has always been the cause of sudden advancement, characterized by ‘awakening’ or ‘re-birth,’ within many of your civilizations upon Earth, such as in the case of the Renaissance of Truth and Knowledge upon the Earth prior to the present day, which occurred in the 14th through the 17th centuries. The word ‘renaissance,’ (from the French ‘rinascere’ – ‘to be reborn’) literally means ‘re-birth.’
It is never our intention to interfere in the development or advancement of the human species, but to simply enhance your genetic functioning in order to make this advancement possible, and to therefore stimulate it through the use of Sacred Fire or Cosmic Light. You are, all of you upon the Earth now, being the recipients of this Sacred Fire, whether you are aware of this or not – and, indeed, it truly does not matter whether or not you are ‘consciously’ aware of this process, or not, because it is being given to mankind, as the sun shines upon the Earth, automatically, as a process of nature at this point. Thus we have now the ‘broadcasting’ of this information and the effect of this Sacred Fire throughout the consciousness of mankind – and it is fortunately not being reserved only for the few who are members of the mystery schools.
This is a good thing, because you all desperately need this information at this time! The Sacred Fire is an automatic ‘brightener’ of the soul, as it brings such an upliftment of spirit, through the many layers of esoteric knowledge which is also encoded within this Light. It is multi-layered and multi-dimensional in its effect on mankind, because of this ability which it has, to carry, to bring, and to deliver untold realms of knowledge directly within the human species. So the effect of this is immense! And you are just now learning how to consciously work with this Light, as manifested through Sacred Fire. Hence the symbol and image of the Phoenix Bird now being re-introduced into the consciousness of your species, in many places and in many cultures across the face of Earth, so that many can now begin to consciously have the benefit of what, for a very long time, was reserved for the few within the mystery schools, and other halls of esoteric knowledge. This is a huge movement forward for mankind in your evolutionary progress, and we are delighted to once again be a conscious part of this process with mankind! You are all making great progress with this, and we expect that this will continue!
“We Are The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light”
Friday, March 19, 2021
Horus Messages
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Monday, February 8, 2021
H’oponopono The Power of Empathy and Prayer The Story of Dr. Hew Len
THERE ARE SEVERAL SPIRITUAL HEALING TOOLS THAT YOU CAN USE: PRAYER Depending on what you believe in, prayer can always bring comfort in an overwhelming situation. One of the most talked about and effective prayers is the H’oponopono prayer. Here is the story behind it.
The Hawaii State Hospital for the criminally insane was a clinic for those who had committed the most heinous of crimes. Criminals who had committed murder, kidnap, rape or other crimes of such magnitude were either sent there because of their mental condition or to determine whether they were sane enough to stand trial.
According to one of the nurses who worked there, it was a place with no hope; the atmosphere was so congested with evil and negativity that not even paint wanted to reside in the building and would not stick to the walls.
Everything was rotting, decaying, repulsive and terrifying. Every few months, a new doctor was hired because they were unable to handle the inmates, but one day Dr. Stanley Hew Len entered the clinic.
The nurses were not at all enthusiastic; they were convinced he would be like the rest and bombard them with his supposed superior strategy that would get the place in order and then leave within a few months when he realized the reality of the situation he had got himself into. They soon discovered that everything about this doctor was different; he wasn’t doing anything significant, but his demeanour didn’t fit the environment.
Where everyone else was depressed and angry, he was always naturally relaxed, cheerful and smiling. Every so often, he would ask for the files of the inmates; he rarely saw them personally, but he would sit in his office and look over their files.
To the members of staff who were interested in the way he chose to operate, he would tell them about something he referred to as H’oponopono.
As the months went by, things started to change in the hospital, the walls were painted and the paint actually remained on the walls, which gave the place some life. The gardens were being pruned, the tennis courts were repaired and prisoners who ordinarily were never allowed to go outside began to play tennis with the staff. They began to allow some of the prisoners to move around without their shackles and the inmates started to take fewer psychotropic medications. The shift in the atmosphere was astounding; the staff began to come to work, and where there was once a shortage of applicants, there was now a high demand to work at the clinic and they slowly began to release the prisoners.
Dr. Hew Len was employed by the clinic for almost four years; by the time he left, there were only a few inmates remaining who were eventually housed in another location because the clinic had to close, as the prisoners no longer required their services.
It appeared that Dr. Hew Len didn’t apply any specific technique or give the prisoners any medication. All he seemed to do was look at their files, but what he did do was heal himself with a traditional Hawaiian spiritual remedy referred to as H’oponopono.
In Dr. Len’s own words, “I was healing the part of me that created them.” While he sat in his office looking at each individual patient file, he would feel pain and empathy towards them. Dr. Len would then use what he was feeling to heal himself, taking on full responsibility for what each patient appeared to be going through.
The prisoners were healed because their doctor took on their pain and healed them through himself. H’oponopono is based on the belief that we create our own environment; there are no external forces responsible for what is taking place within our surroundings. If your boss is evil, you are responsible. If your children are not doing well in school, you are responsible. World wars and poverty are your responsibility. The bottom line is that the world belongs to you and it is your responsibility to take care of it. Taking responsibility doesn’t mean that the problems are your fault, it simply means that you need to heal yourself in order to heal the situation that you find distressing. Some may agree with this theology, and to others it may appear completely nonsensical; but if you really choose to analyze it, you will find that your perception of the world is your reality. If you think the world is depressive and pointless because you choose to focus on all of the negative that is surrounding you, that’s how you perceive the world. You could change it if you would focus on changing yourself. Two people can live in the same environment but perceive it completely differently simply because of their perception.
Repent: Say you are sorry for the part that you have played in the things you perceive as evil or problematic that are surrounding you. As an empath you can say that you are sorry for the pain that the people you have met recently are experiencing. Whatever you feel responsible for, say you are sorry for it; feel the remorse and mean it.
Ask for Forgiveness: You are probably wondering, “Well, who am I asking?” We all have our different belief systems.
The majority of us and especially empaths believe in some kind of higher power and so that is who you ask to forgive you.
Gratitude: Say thank you; there is so much power in gratitude. If you take your focus off the negative, you will find that you have so many things to be thankful for. Say thank you that you woke up this morning.
Say thank you that you have eyes to see, a nose to smell, legs to walk on, that your internal organs are all in working order. Find something to say thank you for and say it continuously.
Love: Love is the most powerful force in the universe; saying the words, “I love you” over and over again will bring love into your life. You can say I love you to your cat, your house, your car, the sky, the trees! Whatever you feel love towards, say it.
Cleansing Tool
Tne very valuable cleansing tool Dr. Len suggests is Blue Solar Water. He suggests to fill a blue glass bottle with the tap water. You can choose to use tap water or else fill the bottle with the purest water you have access to, and set in outdoor sunlight for 10 minutes to an hour, and up to 12 hours for a more potent effect, to charge the water with the healing blue light. If it is NOT sunny for a long period of time where you are, then you can use incandescent light, but not LED or fluorescent light. He says that it will remove recurring “memories” or programs that run in your subconscious, freeing you from their effects. In other words, it will allow you to “let go and let God.”
Dr. Hew Len has retired now. He has a very important message for us all to hear and heed:
“The only purpose in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identity—
our Mind—back to its original state of void or zero (Buddha),
of purity of heart (Jesus)
and of blank (Shakespeare) through nonstop cleaning.”