Archangel Raphael - HEALING RITUAL
The ritual I'm going to go through now is a deep healing ritual. It is a ritual that each of you can do for the other, or the person who needs healing can do it too. It is important to remember that the cure is within everyone; that healing is a process that has to come from within, of each one wanting to really heal.
Often certain illnesses are the consequences of the actions, the feelings, the way of life for each of you. So there is no point in curing just the disease; the cause must be cured; what is causing the disease. So this healing process will often bring up feelings that you want to hide from yourself, so that you can be treated, because if you are not treated the disease will not go away.
It is a very simple ritual, but with a lot of strength, and if you do it daily, you will see the result. You should make the following request:
My Archangel Raphael!
May your healing energy cover (then you speak the person's name or your own name) and transmute all the feelings that may be causing the diseases, in balance, love and light.
I am healthy!
I am healthy!
I am healthy!
I am healthy!
I am healthy!
I am healthy!
I am healthy!
I AM a Balanced Being!
I AM a Loving Being!
I AM a Being, ready to receive the blessings of your light, and that it, little by little, will transform my whole body into health, balance and harmony.
As you can see, it is a small request, which you can do as many times as you want. Now, believe every word you are saying, because if you just speak, throw the words in the wind, nothing will happen. You have to believe every word you say there.
When you say the prayer to another person, where it is, I AM, continue to maintain the I AM. Don't change for Him is or She is; because I AM is a very strong energetic vibration, and of course everything will be understood. So don't change the prayer, because you are doing it for someone else.
You can do it for as many people as you want. You will not be invading their free will, because everything will only work if her Higher Self wants it, otherwise nothing will happen, neither with her nor with you who are emanating this feeling of love.
We are making a great healing movement; a big help movement. Now that it is clear, this request is for sick people. Only that.
May my Light of Healing be able to inhabit the hearts of each one of you, to keep you balanced and healthy.
Anjos e Luz Terapias
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